March 13, 2014 – Thursday

Guam, Uncategorized
Chamorro Village

Chamorro Village

Chamorro Village

Chamorro Village

Picture yourself on Guam, cruising North-bound on Tumon Rd. heading towards Gun Beach. You pass the gate and find yourself looking at an enormous “shack” nested into a few coconut trees with a perfect view of the sunset. Looking in-land, you’ll find a hidden path that will take you to a traditional attraction called Gokna. In this traditionally inspired village, you can take a step back in time and witness how “life” was interpreted during the Ancient Chamorro times. You can see the coconut leaf thatched hutts, concrete latte stones, a fire pit, and a Taro patch. These were all essential items to have in a village to survive. The latte stones served as the foundation of the chamorro house, providing them shelter. The taro patch was a very important source of food because it served as their “carbohydrate” to perform daily functions through out the day. Typically, an Ancient Chamorro could be a hunter, a fisherman, a farmer, a craftsmen, and other occupations. An ancient chamorro’s diet consisted of fish, taro, lemai, and other ingredients from the Earth.

February 25, 2014 – Tuesday


Tarzan Falls Guam

Tarzan Falls Guam

Tarzan Falls Guam

Tarzan Falls Guam

Tarzan Falls Guam

Tarzan Falls Guam

Overall, I enjoyed Tarzan Falls much better than Sigua Falls just because I was able to photograph more sequences of the waterfall. From what i’ve been told, that was two out of many more interesting hikes to do on Guam. I definitely look forward to discovering more natural beauties on the island of Guam as well as all the other islands of the Marianas.

February 23, 2014 – Sunday

Tarzan Falls Guam

Tarzan Falls Guam

Tarzan Falls Guam

Tarzan Falls Guam

Tarzan Falls Guam

Tarzan Falls Guam

Several mini-water falls that can be found at Tarzan Falls. It was a very quite and “zen” place where one can be with nature. Being surrounded by mother nature makes you forget about the materialistic things of our society and appreciate the simplest of things.

February 21, 2014 – Thursday

Tarzan Falls Guam

Tarzan Falls Guam

Tarzan Falls Guam
Tarzan Falls Guam

Tarzan Falls was a much shorter hike compared to Sigua Falls. It could be very easy for one to get lost due to the different roads that weave in and out of this particular area of Guam. It was an easy 30 minute walk to the top of the falls. From there you hike down and can discover different sized falls that make the entire experience more interesting.

February 19, 2014 – Wednesday

Sigua Falls Guam

Sigua Falls Guam

Sigua Falls, Guam. Went on an adventure to Guam for the weekend. This was a 5-hour hike, in n out. It was definitely a fun hike because I came across some pretty interesting terrain. From red clay foot hills to thick jungle with swarms of mosquito’s, it was very relaxing. Its always great to see nature in her purest forms. Stay tuned for more.